Volunteer Brochure![]()
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We also offer opportunities for individuals and couples to work with us on an extended basis. Some folks have a couple of weeks, a month, three months, six months, or a year at a time to be in ministry with us in this part of Appalachia.
Throughout the year we have need of assistance for many of our ministry areas. Take a moment to pray. Consider your talents and how God might use you to serve one of our ministries. Please read the Long Term Volunteer policy found on this page. Print & fill out the Long Term Volunteer Application, send it to: Henderson Settlement, C/O Long Term Volunteer Director P.O. Box 205 Frakes KY 40940. To request more specific information about the volunteer opportunities, e-mail Jerry Lambdin or Jessica Partin at [email protected]. We look forward to serving with you. Volunteer Skills |