To contact a member of the Board of Directors click this Contact Us link or call the office at 606-337-3613.
Daniel Tebbe, President
Dan Tebbe is a life-long member of the Holy Rosary Catholic church in St. Marys Ohio. A graduate of Sinclair Community College in Dayton and the Ohio State University in mechanical engineering. Dan works as a semi-retired software developer for a metals processor, Precision Strip. I am active in parish life at church and have served on numerous councils, committees and as a cantor. I am active in the Knights of Columbus at the local and state level organizations where charity and service are the main principles we strive for. Dan has been involved with the Henderson Settlement for a couple years after getting introduced at a work camp. In his free time, Dan enjoys spending time with his grandkids, woodworking, hiking, camping and fishing.
David Ziebart, Vice President
I am currently an accounting professor at University of Kentucky. I first came to the Appalachian Kentucky (Harlan) area when I was part of a work mission team in 1982. I started volunteering at Henderson Settlement in the 1980’s or early 1990’s after I had moved to Champaign-Urbana, Illinois and have been every year since except for one during COVID. While living in Illinois I served on the Board of Directors & Treasurer of Family Services of Champaign County. I also served as a Member of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church for twelve years. I am very honored to be serving on the Board at Henderson Settlement.
LINDA MILLER, Treasurer/Secretary
I live in Hilliard, OH, and have been a member of Scioto Ridge UMC for 42 years. My late husband, Ray, was an Assistant Dean at The Ohio State University in the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences. We have two sons, two daughters-in law, and four grandchildren.
I am a retired seventh grade language arts teacher and I spent most of my 27 teaching years in the Hilliard City Schools. Currently I am a full-time volunteer serving as President of Capitol Area South United Methodist Women, secretary to Community Development for All People Board in Columbus, OH, (National Mission Site of UMW), and on the steering committee for the Buckeye Clinic in South Sudan, Africa. Ray and I prayed for God to show us what He wanted us to do in our retirement. We felt Him leading us to facilitate a mission team from Scioto Ridge UMC to Henderson Settlement in 2004. This team has come since that time and four years ago SRUMC's youth director asked me to lead a youth team during their Spring Break. We will be bringing our fourth youth team to Henderson in March 2020. I have felt God's call to encourage and facilitate others' involvement in missions. |
Mike Dutton, Ambassador
My name is Mike Dutton. I’ve been married to my wife, Sharon, for over 40 years. We live in Westerville, Ohio where we are members of Vineyard Columbus. Sharon works in the Columbus City Schools as a Reading Intervention Specialist. I retired from DuPont after working 41 years, with assignments in Engineering, Manufacturing Management, and Human Resources. We have 6 children, 5 grandchildren, and 2 foster grandchildren. Much of our time is spent enjoying family. Sharon also enjoys gardening, cooking and crocheting. I enjoy helping with projects, including wheelchair ramps, Bed Brigade, and the annual Henderson Settlement House Build. We both enjoy travelling and hiking. I am honored to be serving on the Board at Henderson Settlement.
Mike Smith, Ambassador
Hi, my name is Mike Smith. My wife Cindy and I live near Lancaster, Ohio. We are long time members of Lithopolis United Methodist Church. Since retirement as an engineer in telecommunications manufacturing, I have been an active volunteer with our local church and surrounding community. Church activities include supporting Emmaus Walks, Blessing Boxes, SPRC/HR, Hospitality, Safety Committee, and Leadership Board. Community activities include Canal Winchester’s food pantry, Girl Scouts, Lancaster City Parks & Recreation, Habitat for Humanity, and the annual “Home Build” project at Henderson Settlement. Hobbies include woodworking, bicycling, hiking, and golfing. I use my woodworking hobby throughout the year to make crafts for church fundraisers and to help youngsters learn how to use tools at youth day camps. One favorite activity is teaching outdoor nature education to K-6 kids from area schools on field trips to Lancaster’s Charles Alley Park throughout Spring and Fall. It is a great honor to be invited to serve with the Henderson Settlement Board of Directors.
John Newman, Executive Director
Pastor John was hired in April of 2021 as the next executive director for Henderson Settlement in and around Frakes, Kentucky. He became the executive director on June 6, 2021. Previously he was a bi- vocational pastor in the Indiana conference for 22 years where he served a two point charge for the last 20 years. After he retired from Chrysler the Lord called him and his Parrish to become more active in mission service for the people of Appalachians. Both the staff and the Board of the Settlement invited John to consider the position as they wanted a pastor and a shepherd to fulfill this position. John’s heart was changed while he was coming down here during the COVID experience and he seen the heart of the staff and those that they were serving. John's life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways knowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
John and Lisa have two adult children who remain in Indiana. Their son’s family lives in Kokomo, IN and their daughter’s family live in Fort Wayne, IN. John and Lisa believe that God has called them to this place and time to serve Him, this community, and all who participate in this shared ministry. |
DAvid Dennis, Ambassador
Frankie is passionate about Henderson settlement where she worked for a total of 27 years. She retired in 2019; her latest position being Outreach Director. In that position she excelled in helping the community know that we were available. Her husband’s name is Harrison and they have two children and three grandchildren. Henderson Settlement has always been a part of her life. In fact, she graduated from high school here and received college scholarships from here as well. Her children also received college scholarships through the Henderson Settlement program.
Jim Knight, ambassador
Hi, my name is Jim Knight. I’ve been married to my wife, Karen, for over 40 years. We live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Karen loves birds, gardening, and jazzercise, and I am an amateur construction guy. We have 2 children, 3 grandchildren and recently, a great-grandson. We are members of Montgomery Community Church, where I serve on the Missions Ministry Team. Karen is a longstanding and active volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati.
I have volunteered with Henderson Settlement for more than 20 years now, served as a Board Member for more than 6 years, and as the Settlement Executive Director for 3 years. Prior to my first retirement in 2010, I worked in management positions with Procter and Gamble domestically and internationally. I am honored to continue to serve with the Board of Directors as we seek to glorify God through service to the Frakes, Kentucky community and surrounding area. |
Sheilah Ausmus, Ambassador
Judy Wilson, Ambassador
My name is Judy Wilson. My husband and I live in North Webster, Indiana. We have been married for 45 years. We met and both graduated from Manchester College/University with degrees in Elementary Education. We have 4 grown children, 4 grandchildren, and 2 granddogs. While raising our children, I was a substitute teacher for 30 years. We are active members of the North Webster United Methodist Church.
We have been traveling on mission trips with our family and church since our children were young. We felt it was important to teach them about missions and serving others. Some of those trips took us all across the country, 5 or 6 of those were to Henderson Settlement. Our church people have grown to love Henderson. Since 2006, I have been privileged to organize North Webster UMC’s trips to Henderson, a family group in April and a women’s group in September. Our groups have done various construction/work projects and also set-up a beauty salon we call ‘Frake’s Frills’. We give free haircuts, manicures, and pass out personal hygiene products. God has continued to bless us over and over again, as we have continued to come. I have been active individually in addition to my church trips. I have worked closely with the Community Outreach area. I have a passion for working with women and children. When working at Henderson, I am able to work along side the staff and volunteers supporting programs offered for women and children. As time has passed, my passion has grown to include Henderson Settlement as a whole. So I am excited to be a part of the Board of Directors! God Bless!! |
, SUPERINTENDENT; Central Appalachian Missionary Conference
Charlotte PArtin, Ambassador
Charlotte has a wonderful history with Henderson Settlement and a deep love for this community. She worked from 1978 to 2012 at the settlement for a combined total of 34 years. When she retired, she was the Facility Director and the Assistant to the executive director. She is married to Bradley and has two sons named Daryl and Joshua. She also has two granddaughters that she is very grateful for. Charlotte said the most important thing that she could share about herself was that she has had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ since she was 12 years old.
Kathie harris, Ex-Officio; United women in faith
I have been an active member of the Mary Helen UMC in Harlan County, KY for nearly 30 years and with United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) for over 20 years. While attending Mary Helen UMC, I served as Sunday School teacher and on a variety of church committees as well as holding various conference level and national offices in United Methodist Women/United Women of Faith including conference secretary, Dean and Assistant Dean of the KY-RBMC Mission u, and completed two terms as our conference representative on the Program Advisory Group to the national board of United Methodist Women. Currently, I am the Conference President for United Women in Faith in the Central Appalachian Missionary Conference. In 2008, I retired as a school psychologist from the Harlan County Board of Education, but continue to be active professionally through contract work throughout SEKY. In addition to church and mission activities, my interests include spending time with my family, cooking, travel, reading, and visiting with friends. My husband, Ed, and I have been married for 50 years and have two grown children.